Pixel Network | Beta
Join Pixel Network | Beta to become a part of a new pixel art community! No matter what pixel art software you use, we will be glad to see you! Don't want to draw? Just watch awesome pixel arts and animations and relax.
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Hi not sure where to conntact you. I'm looking for faqs or documentation on how to transfer my color palette from one image/sprite to another. I have the pro ipad version, and I'm trying to sort out the steam windows version for the desktop. I use google drive to transfer files. On the ipad version I can save the palette, I can make a new palette, and I can organize the palette, but there's no option to load a palette that was saved. Thanks! Dragon
Tthe program appears to have a core color palette and it's shared with all the files? I'm working on multiple games and have different color palettes for each. How can I save them selerately and import them when I want to switch between projects?
Whaou i didn't know even on Itch.io you can access to the network. That's a smart move thanks
WEBGL error - got my first one:
An error occurred running the Unity content on this page. See your browser JavaScript console for more info. The error was:
RuntimeError: integer overflow
Fantastic work. You're on your way to dominating the entire pixel art ecosystem.
Thanks, dude!