Power GIF Demo
This asset is available on Unity Asset Store: http://u3d.as/1cTD
Power GIF is the best GIF solution for Unity available on the Asset Store!
- Decoding GIF
- Encoding GIF
- Color quantization with NeuQuant
- Iterators for displaying a progress bar
- Parallel encoding/decoding with threads
- Displaying GIFs with AnimatedImage component
- Downloading GIF from WWW
- Quick GIF preview (decoding the first frame only)
- GIPHY upload
- A lot of examples
- Clean and simple C# code
- All Unity versions supported
- Unity uGUI
Supported platforms
- Android
- iOS
- Windows
- Mac
- WebGL
Known limitations
- Power GIF doesn't support interlaced GIF (this feature may be added soon).
You should disable Burst in case of build issues.
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